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Shrieking Gazelles

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  • SA341H RA-05702 (cn.058) as seen at Gostilitsy Airfield near St. Petersburg on 28th March 2019

    Maintaining the Russian theme, be sure and check out Heli-Dog 'Belyi' seen resting in front of a Russian Lama some days ago. You can see Belyi on Heli-Dogs!

    Anyone with photos of their canine companion together with a blitterblat (it doesn't have to be a Gazelle specifically, any helicopter will do) please send your photos to:

    Grazie mille!


    • SA341F2 N9334W (cn.1575) as seen Stateside in 2018


      • Zishelix
        Zishelix commented
        Editing a comment
        And probably N1433W in front view.

    • A Gazelle at warp speed…


      • SA341B G-HSDL (WA1227) as seen at Gloucester Staverton on 31st March 2019 (Photo by Donna Gibbs)

        It looks as if Howard has had his company titles re-painted.

        SA341G(S) (cn.1509) N340SM as seen at North Weald on 2nd April 2019 (Photo by Ronnie Macdonald)


        • Gazelle F-ZWRL with Arriel engine in-flight test:


        • SA341G G-WDEV (WA1098) as seen at Stapleford Airfield in the 2000's (Photo by Michael Rice)

          On last week's Flashback we featured G-IZEL at Weston-super-Mare and which was the same craft, 1098, now seen above as WDEV (so registered from her time with Wickford Development) and wearing the same scheme, albeit in different colours.

          Not sure of the craft behind her, but she is sitting on high skids.


          • Originally posted by Savoia View Post

            SA341G G-WDEV (WA1098) as seen at Stapleford Airfield in the 2000's (Photo by Michael Rice)

            On last week's Flashback we featured G-IZEL at Weston-super-Mare and which was the same craft, 1098, now seen above as WDEV (so registered from her time with Wickford Development) and wearing the same scheme, albeit in different colours.

            Not sure of the craft behind her, but she is sitting on high skids.

            The one at the rear looks like a 342J. I would guess G-TOPZ 1473.


            • Zishelix
              Zishelix commented
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              #1473 is a 'stretched' version, unlike one on the photo. If guess I'd say YU-HEV, but then no flag on the tail fin and can't remember I've ever seen her on high skids.

            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              I've tried enlarging the photo and it looks as though the reg on the maroon bird 'may' contain a 'C' and a 'Z' but I'm by no means certain.

          • Originally posted by Savoia View Post
            I've tried enlarging the photo and it looks as though the reg on the maroon bird 'may' contain a 'C' and a 'Z' but I'm by no means certain.

            YU-HEV used to be that colour.


            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              It may well be HEV, although this is the first time to see her on high skids.

          • SA341B RA-05709 (WA1184) as seen at an abandoned village in Russia's Taiga forest on 5th April 2019

            SA341G N37UP (cn.1224) as seen over Viareggio, Tuscany in March 2019

            3/3 Squadron Les Félins are offering a 50% discount on all their Gaz merchandise for a limited time.

            Check out their merchandise here.

            In other news ..

            Sécurité Civile EC145 Strikes Power Lines in Martinique


            • Gazelle in background of G-WDEV......

              If Savoia is correct and there is a C and Z as part of the registration then that would make it F-GCCZ which MW imported and then re-registered it as YU-HEV

              See photo below

              Photo Helipixman Collection


              • Savoia
                Savoia commented
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                Bravo Elipix! Perhaps she was on 'highs' just for a short time only.

            • Well done, Elipix!


              • Qinetiq SA341C XZ939 (WA1750) (Photo by Laurie Hughes) NFI

                2019 Gazelle Squadron Display Team drivers as seen at Bourne Park on 5th April 2019

                Elsewhere .. Check out Gendarmerie EC145 fly-by here.


                • Teddy Bears Paratrooping in Russia!

                  RF-00383 at Kubinka in March 22nd, 2008 (Photo: Dmitry A. Mottl)

                  By the way, anyone able to help about serial number of the specific machine?


                  • Savoia
                    Savoia commented
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                    Ha ha, parachuting teddy bears, brilliant! Not something I've seen before. Usually is golf balls or Easter eggs.

                    Bears? Perhaps representing Russia the bear!

                    Almost certainly a Soko Gaz. As you know, we 'are' working on completing the Russian Gazelle database.

                • Just to advise that David Oliver's book 'The Gazelle' has now been released.

                  I've been told that my copies are being sent to my local Waterstones shop.

                  The Gazelle by David Oliver


                  • Zishelix
                    Zishelix commented
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                    Finally! I can hardly wait to see it.

                  • Savoia
                    Savoia commented
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                    Bravo Stefano! Once you've read it please can you let us know whether you consider it to be a good, bad or indifferent read!

                  • Zishelix
                    Zishelix commented
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                    Mr. Oliver's book will certainly 'fill the gap' when speaking of Gazelle publications on English (after all it's the only one at the moment ) but I don't expect it will come even close to the yet unbeaten aircraft monograph in terms of quality: John Wegg's 'Caravelle – The Complete Story. Not only a gold nugget for any aviation enthusiast but the gold mine itself!

                    Not surprising, John' book was a product of long lasted dedicated research and it's still One Of A Kind on aviation publications market.

                • Soko's SA.342L RA-0682G interior


                  • Savoia
                    Savoia commented
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                    If only the JetRangers I drove had been fitted with such seats, instead of the brokeback arrangement installed by the manufacturer. In my opinion, the standard JetRanger seating shouldn't have been delivered without complimentary access to post-flight chiropractic care!

                • SA341B XW847 (WA1011) as seen at Oban in Scotland on 14th March 2019

                  Gazelle airframe as seen at Stapleford on 9th April 2019

                  Gaz tail as seen at Stapleford on 10th April 2019

                  Gaz with minigun, March 2019 NFI

                  Zishelix wrote: but I don't expect it will come even close to the yet unbeaten aircraft monograph in terms of quality: John Wegg's 'Caravelle – The Complete Story'
                  Ah .. the Caravelle, another Sud Aviation classic!

                  I have fond memories of flying aboard the Caravelle with my late father.

                  The Caravelle was Alitalia's first jet liner


                  • Savoia
                    Savoia commented
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                    Grazie Zis, are you sure this is HVZ because the 'YU' Gaz in the photo seems to be dark blue whereas I think HVZ is darker or maybe even black. Also, her tail beacon seems different (a Whelen unit) compared to the one one HVZ (which is a Grimes unit).

                  • Zishelix
                    Zishelix commented
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                    Maybe I'm wrong but not many such painted Gaz flying around with Serbian flag on the tail. The tail beacon was probably replaced in the meantime.

                  • Savoia
                    Savoia commented
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                    Agreed, everything else seems to fit, so as you say, perhaps she has had a new beacon fitted.

                • G-ONNE WA341D #1089 at Duxford in February 24th, 2019 (Photo: Vinny Halls)


                  • Originally posted by Zishelix View Post
                    Oh dear, thoroughly stripped cabin section so can't 'catch' on anything to identify it. One of demobbed UK machines? Assumption based on the wiper spindles still mounted on the windshield. Long shot I know

                    Looks like an ex-UK mil ship, although they normally have windscreen wipers. Some civilian ones also have wipers, especially 342's. The thing that gives it away are the rear door catches, as Army Gazelles have an extra fastener which locks it top and bottom. I’ve never seen a civilian Gazelle with that mod. Also, this Gaz has the extra fuse board as fitted to Army Gazelles, as well as the UK military full-length skid shoe mod.


                    • xbdt
                      xbdt commented
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                      Certainly an ex UK mil ship as it has the pitot support bracket and external 3x115V-400Hz connection port.

                  • XX456 WA341B #1465 resting on English countryside in June 8th, 2006 (Photo: Peter Nicholson)

                    Does anyone know what happened with this Gaz after beng demobbed back in 2010?


                    • Montenegrin Gazelles

                      According to Jeremy, some of Montenegro Gazelles may hit the market soon:

                      Bell already has a relationship with the eastern European country following the delivery of three 412s to Montenegro last September. In a post on Facebook, the Montenegran military indicated that they realised their current fleet of Gazelle helicopters were approx 30 years old, and would need replacing within the next five years.


                      • Savoia
                        Savoia commented
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                        Ciao 9A+, grazie per l'informazione! A warm welcome to Aviafora, nice to have you with us!

                        It looks like there may be a 'glut' of ex-military Gazelles over the next five years.

                        It will interesting to see if there will be any organisations besides Moma Stanojlovic offering competitively priced component overhaul for these ex-mil Gazelles.

                      • Zishelix
                        Zishelix commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Welcome aboard, 9Aplus! Thanks for info.

                        Kad bi barem jedna od crnogorskih 'preletjela' u Hr registar

                      • 9Aplus
                        9Aplus commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Thank You to both of you for a welcome greetings

                        Zishelix Još 2011. sam se uspio izboriti da u Annex 2 (danas EASA Annex1) CCAA pravilnik
                        uđu FAR/CS27 & FAR/CS29 poletne težine.
                        Ipak, obzirom na iskustvo, iskreno sumnjam da bi taj upis u 9A registar prošao bez teške papirnate borbe...
                        Eng (In 2011, I managed to include FAR/CS27 & FAR/CS29 MTOW weights,
                        within the national CCAA regulations about Annex 2 (today EASA Annex1).
                        However, given the experience, I sincerely doubt that 9A register operation can happen, without a hard paperwork fight ...
                        Last edited by 9Aplus; 14th April 2019, 15:32.

                    • SA342J I-PTEC as seen in Strevi, Allesandria in March 2019 (Photo by Marco Bonelli)


                      • SA341B G-CDNO (WA1385) as seen at Fenland Airfield in Lincolnshire on 13th April 2019

                        Gazelles for sale in France, April 2019

                        SA342 as seen over the Meuse River in France, April 2019

                        Tiger Meet begins on 13th May 2019

                        SA341G N37UP (cn1224) con 'Arianna' in Italia on 12th April 2019


                        • L'armée de Terre Gazelle over Notre-Dame de Paris


                          • SAF Gaz over the Suva Planina mountain in Serbia


                            • Just picked up my copy of The Gazelle by David Oliver, had a quick flick through, plenty of photographs including a few from a well known web forum called Aviafora ! Fame at last for the forum...


                              • Zishelix
                                Zishelix commented
                                Editing a comment
                                Nice to know Is Aviafora credited as the photo's source?

                              • Helipixman
                                Helipixman commented
                                Editing a comment
                                Yes all credited to Aviafora not individual photographers

                                Page 88....C-GUMH Heli Voyageur photo
                                Page 94....N341GG
                                Page 95....G-CHMF

                                I'm not going to spoil it for anyone else who is obtaining this book, there are some great photos that I have not seen before.

                              • Savoia
                                Savoia commented
                                Editing a comment
                                I hope it is a good read!

                            • Originally posted by Helipixman View Post
                              Just picked up my copy of The Gazelle by David Oliver, had a quick flick through, plenty of photographs including a few from a well known web forum called Aviafora !

                              I received mine today, good book. Just a shame they didn’t proof read it, as there are some errors.


                              • Savoia
                                Savoia commented
                                Editing a comment
                                This is the place to address those errors, so please share them so that we can set the record straight, as our commitment is to our readers, who in large part are Gazelle enthusiasts who will doubtless appreciate the correct info.

                              • xbdt
                                xbdt commented
                                Editing a comment
                                Example, SA342G instead of SA341G, also they say N341GG was present at 50th anniversary in Middle Wallop (also untrue).
                                I got my copy last week ;-)

                            • Originally posted by xbdt View Post
                              Example, SA342G instead of SA341G, also they say N341GG was present at 50th anniversary in Middle Wallop (also untrue).
                              I got my copy last week ;-)

                              Yes I saw those also.

                              Some additional observations:
                              • SA342C and 342L should be 342L1
                              • HA-LFH identified as 341J but should be 342J
                              • G-CDNO is not owned by Falcon
                              • HA-PPY has been converted to 341G not 341H
                              • ZU-HBH was not donated to South Africa's anti-poaching unit by Paramount. It’s never been owned by Paramount


                              • Savoia
                                Savoia commented
                                Editing a comment
                                Well done Stefano!

                            • SA341D ZB627 (WA1914) as seen at RAF Odiham on 3rd August 1990 (Photo by Glyn Ramsden)

                              This craft became G-CBSK.

                              Avia Comments
                              Grazie per i vostri commenti Stefano e XB!

                              Anyone else wanting to write a Gaz book, please contact us and we'll connect you with a couple of proof readers.

                              Also for Stefano and XB, thank you for your comments on the Army frame at Stapleford further up the page:

                              Stefano wrote: Looks like an ex-UK mil ship, although they normally have windscreen wipers. Some civilian ones also have wipers, especially 342's. The thing that gives it away are the rear door catches, as Army Gazelles have an extra fastener which locks it top and bottom. I’ve never seen a civilian Gazelle with that mod. Also, this Gaz has the extra fuse board as fitted to Army Gazelles, as well as the UK military full-length skid shoe mod.
                              Never knew about the door latches. I suspect the full-length shoes were because of all those run-ons!

                              XB wrote: Certainly an ex UK mil ship as it has the pitot support bracket and external 3x115V-400Hz connection port.
                              Ha ha, only you would know such a thing, but I'm afraid I can't pick it out, not unless it is perhaps highlighted in a photo!

                              Avia Traditions!

                              Now I can't mention British Army Gazelles and run-ons without making reference to Mark's run-on in Flying Soldiers.

                              Go to 7:30


                              • Fits perfectly for me, it says 'for ages 3 and above'

                                This remind me on a joke: Jim and Joe arguing which one is smarter. I'm very smart, said Jim, I can talk and write at the same time. Oh that's nothing, replied Joe, I can put together a jigsaw puzzle 'for 3 yrs & above' just in two weeks!

                                If it's not funny blame my English


                                • Savoia
                                  Savoia commented
                                  Editing a comment
                                  A Ewing Gazelle !!! Lol, I never saw them use a Gaz, they always used Bells, and quite rightly so too, being in Texas!

                                  I was living in the UK when 'Dallas' first aired, it turned out to be a bit of a 'thing' in the late 70's and early 80's. The fascination surrounding the identity of JR's shooter was the first time for me to witness such widespread public engagement with a TV series — the newspapers were continuously speculating on the matter, bookmakers were taking bets on the various suspects, and the morning after the 'reveal' episode aired, my local station master had written the name of the shooter in big letters on a blackboard for the convenience of rail passengers!

                              • SA342 as seen at Valence-Chabeuil Airport in April 2019

                                Plus .. a little something for Zishelix!


                                • Zishelix
                                  Zishelix commented
                                  Editing a comment
                                  Nice, let's hope the author won't mind

                                • Savoia
                                  Savoia commented
                                  Editing a comment
                                  Yes, let us hope so, although I don't think they will be too troubled about such things in Serbia!
