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Shrieking Gazelles

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  • A couple of French SA342 Gazelles of 3e RHC

    Have we ever had a picture of a UK civilian (G-) registered Gazelle in the Snow ?

    Photo via Julien Maire


    • One more Gazelle registered in USA

      N685ZB, Westland 341B Gazelle AH1, c/n 1994, ex ZB685; registered 16-Dec-2019 to John Stone, Red Lion, York (USA)


      • Savoia
        Savoia commented
        Editing a comment
        Grazie Jos, appreciated as always.

        John has recently joined the forum and is now working on making 1994 airworthy again.

    • Originally posted by Helipixman View Post
      Have we ever had a picture of a UK civilian (G-) registered Gazelle in the Snow ?
      No amico we haven't, not until today. I found this shot of the late G-BXTH in my collection. Btw, do you know if TH's remains were parted-out?

      SA341D G-BXTH (WA1120) as seen at Thruxton in 2012


      • Helipixman
        Helipixman commented
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        Not sure what happened to TH ?

        You beat me to it with the G- registered Gazelle in the snow.... I do have one for next week ! Its not one that was based in Scotland either !

      • Savoia
        Savoia commented
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        Looking forward to seeing that 'G' reg in the snow!

    • Polizei Niedersachsen SA342J D-HOPP (cn.1695) as seen in Germany c.1980's (Photo by Detlef Böntgen)

      SA341G G-BAGJ (WA1039) as seen at Sarratt, Hertfordshire in December 1977

      Gazelles as seen at Marignane in France on 9th March 1976 (Photo: Aérospatiale Archives)


      • SA342MV F-MGBC as seen at Fort du télégraphe in Savoie, France in February 2019 (Photo courtesy of Avia member Julien)

        SA342M F-MBLD as seen in the French Alps in 2009 (Photo by André Bour)

        SA341G(S) YU-HEY (cn.1320) as seen in a hangar in December 2019 (Photo by Craig Stewart)


        • Helipixman
          Helipixman commented
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          Do you think the photographer owns the Car, check the number plate. More to the point does he own this Gazelle ?

        • Savoia
          Savoia commented
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          The photographer owns the car .. and works for the owner of the Gazelle.

      • Hi everyone!

        Just dropping by to say hello! Glad to see the thread was very productive while I was absent. Well done!

        Since I came just in time for this year's Snow Gazelles season, here's my two cents on the subject:


        • Savoia
          Savoia commented
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          Lovely to see you Zis! Every best wish to you for the Christmas season.

          Elipix .. look who's dropped by!

        • Helipixman
          Helipixman commented
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          Wonderful to see you back Stipe. A lot has happened while you were away, hope it does not take too long to catch up ?

          Best wishes for Christmas and New Year

        • Zishelix
          Zishelix commented
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          Must say it took me a while... a lot of interesting stuff you added

      • EC-CMB and EC-CUA in Spain 1979

        I'll have to call this post ... Flashback Saturday!


        • Zishelix
          Zishelix commented
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          You mean on this one?

          Nice finding XB, btw! Señor De Serret kindly shared some great images of his Gaz on the Internet.

        • Helipixman
          Helipixman commented
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          A couple of wonderful shots there XB.

        • Savoia
          Savoia commented
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          Yes, I think that's the one Zis. A nice action shot, bravo!

      • You must admire effort and ideas French ALAT staff show when it comes to Gazelle artwork!


        • Savoia
          Savoia commented
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          ALAT on 'Christmas duty', great stuff!

      • UK 'G' Registered Snow Gazelle

        G-ORGE Westland SA341G c/n 1108 seen in the snow at Cranfield on 27.2.89. Owned at the time by Xanadu Aviation, one of the George Mountbatten companies.

        Photo from Helipixman Collection


        • Zishelix
          Zishelix commented
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          Good one!

          One of the first Gaz posted here

        • Savoia
          Savoia commented
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          Ah well Elipix .. you've done it again — what lovely shot! As you mentioned last week, 'G' reg Snow Gazelles are a rarity and this example from the 80's is a real treat, again .. bravo amico!

          As you know, the Ferranti birds were sometimes to be seen at Cranfield, not only for the shows, but they had a contract for a time which involved fairly frequent visits to the field.

          AFAIK, this was George's first Gaz, to which he added the stretched Gazelle G-BRGS which became your Scottish neighbour in the form of G-OGAZ now owned by an Avia member and flying as N71FR.

          George's son Henry, better known as Harry (and by his friends as 'Hazza') is following in his father's footsteps and is the owner of G-HAZZ a photo of which (taken just some days ago) you can see here:

      • Heliwest's I-OLLY at Sestriere in 1997 (Photo: Mauro Cini)


        • Savoia
          Savoia commented
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          Grazie mille Zis, this is a lovely shot and one of the few Italian Snow Gazelles we have showing snow skis, splendida!

          The late 'I-OLLY' .. one of the few (perhaps only) Westland-built stretched Gazelles. She served in Italia for a time with Eli-Dolomiti and Heliwest and while here tragically went to the grave taking two people with her. This was as a direct result of a manufacturing flaw by Aérospatiale in their production of the Gazelle's torsion tie bars.

        • Helipixman
          Helipixman commented
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          Lovely shot, Thanks Zis. One have not seen before.

      • As another year draws to a close, the time has come to appreciate those who contribute towards our little community.

        Great thanks as always to Avia-stalwarts XB, Stefano, Elipix, Jos and Zishelix, as well as to our less frequent contributors. Special thanks also to those members who send in photos and videos to be posted on the forum, including: Adriano, Kirill, Steve W, Liberio, Fabio, Julien and others.

        My thanks also to Avia-member Joe, who for another year has 'liked' just about every post on our FB page. Grazie mille Giuseppe!

        A big thank you goes to Miloš and Predrag who kindly assisted with this year’s Christmas Gazelle. Miloš serves with the Serbian Air Force, has many hours in the Gazelle and has recently completed his conversion on the H145M. Predrag is a skilled software designer, 3D modeller and animator; together they own MP Design Studio which produces a range of personal simulators including programmes for the Gazelle, Lama, Cabri and others. Because of the snowfall effect on our Christmas greeting, you can’t fully appreciate the detail of Predrag’s work, but take a look here and here for a better view of what he can do. This Christmas why not consider supporting those who support Aviafora and treat yourself and/or one of your family members to a Gazelle simulator? Click here to see the aircraft available from MP Design Studio.

        As with MP Design, so too is Aviafora a partnership, between myself and Filippo (Phil Croucher). Indeed (and as mentioned in times past) it was Filippo who proposed the idea of setting-up our own forum and who graciously continues to host this site – Grazie mille Filippo! And this provides an ideal opportunity to remind our readers that if you have any pilot training requirements, please feel free to check out the various training manuals Filippo has authored, and if you are planning on taking any aviation exams, you may like to consider the services on offer via Filippo’s training school.

        It only remains then for me to extend season’s greetings to each of our members and to all our visitors and friends, offering my best wishes to you and your loved ones with prayers for a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year.


        This Christmas Night

        This Christmas night while angels sing, sweet hosannas to our King,
        let us with them in heart rejoice, with loving-kindness as our voice.

        For family, homes and health, the truer forms of wealth.
        For precious moments of the year, for everything that we hold dear.

        And so, with gifts beneath the tree now stored,
        let us with thankful hearts proclaim, that Jesus Christ is Lord!


        • Taking a branch out of Stefano's tree, this year we are remembering departed Avia members
          as well as those recently (and not-so-recently) departed from the Gazelle community


          • Although my greeting card can't compete with Sav's (and associates!), I nevertheless offer it with heartfelt good wishes!


            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              Grazie mille Zis! No competing on Avia, just lots of goodwill and humour .. plus .. I had a little help from a masterful 3D computer graphics modeller!

          • This Christmas there is much to see, watch and read on Aviafora, including:
            • If you didn't read it last year, then its worth a visit this year; the story behind Brian Losito's air-to-air shot of Air Canada's Dreamliner.
            • If you've never seen an A380 perform an exteme crosswind landing .. then this is for you.
            • All snow and winter related posts are 'of course' obligatory reading over the Christmas break, so be sure and check out the latest posts on Snow Jets. While there take a look at post #5 which involves 'Jet Sledding' to see how they occupy their time in Sweden during the winter!
            • If you would like to see a lovely shot of a MiG-29 on super-short finals to a snowy runway in Russia, then this post is for you.
            • And, maintaining the Russian theme, I highly commend a really lovely winter shot of an Antonov An-2 in Orlovka. This is one of my personal favourites.
            • This year there is really quite a lot to see on Winter Flying, beginning with a delightful shot of Eli-Fly's Scoiattolo plus photos of winter heli-dogs, a uniquely painted EC130, a Ka-52 and more! While on Winter Flying, be sure to check out our 'Yuki Risu' post. Yes, Yuki Risu! To find out all about Yuki Risu go to post #42 on Winter Flying .. oh and be sure to check out the Yuki Risu video! And .. before you leave Winter Flying, turn back to page one in order to see a really lovely photo of a AW109S in post #7 (made so because of the presence of two beautiful Labradors) and also post #10 to find out how the Russians keep themselves occupied during the winter!
            • In 1982 South Wales experienced heavy snowfalls, at the time the Australian national rugby team were visiting Porthcawl and ended-up being stranded by the snow. Visit the Rotary Nostalgia Thread to discover how they got out!
            • While in the realm of rotary nostalgia, Elipix has posted some really interesting information and photos on 'Personalised Registrations'. Look out for the back story on G-ROOT as well as numerous examples of Enstroms belonging to one of our members.
            • Scout fan? If so, then check out the latest Scout post showing G-SCTA at Manchester Barton last month, and for the rarest of Scouts, the 'Snow Scout', click here.
            • If you still have time on your hands, then visit the Best of Military Aviation Photography to see what's on offer there.
            • I've not had time to develop the 'Snow Trains' topic in the Departure Lounge, but .. there is one active video there which you may like.
            • And now that we are wildly off-piste, you may just as well check out Avia Animals, also in the Departure Lounge.
            • If you are looking for a little inspiration, then perhaps visit Sav's Sunday Post for some words of wisdom together with a collection of churches from some truly stunning locations. If you do visit, then also add page one post #1 to your tour and find out the reason for this thread.
            • And finally, no Christmas on Aviafora could possibly be complete without observing our longest-running tradition .. that of watching the Courchevel Citation .. at least once (better still twice) over the Christmas period!

            Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas!


            • Helipixman
              Helipixman commented
              Editing a comment
              Sav you have posted some well thought out excellent Christmas messages, Fantastic !

              Merry Christmas to all on Aviafora look forward to communicating with you all in 2020

            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              Grazie mille Elipix, so glad to have you as part of our team.

              Thank you for the wonderful photos you have provided over the years as well as your rigorous research efforts, all so much appreciated.

          • A Christmas Message from Dennis Kenyon

            Avia member Denissimo has asked me to convey the following message:

            Greetings to all Aviafora members for a warm and Happy Christmas and best wishes for the coming year.

            I would like to offer a little Christmas gift to those Avia members and readers who may be interested in reading an aviation novel.

            If you email me your name and address I will send you a free copy of my last novel 'Dangerous Appointment'.

            Because of the postage fees, this offer is extended to UK members of Aviafora for now (although if there is anyone further afield who is keen to read this book email me anyway and we'll sort something out).

            My email is:

            Once again, best wishes to all Aviaforans for a Merry Christmas!

            Dennis Kenyon

            Written in the style of Ian Fleming and James Clavell,
            Kenyon maintains a fast pace and keeps your curiosity constantly tingling.
            — Georgina Hunter-Jones


            • Helipixman
              Helipixman commented
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              This is a very generous gesture by Mr Kenyon, thank you. I will certainly take up this offer as I have just purchased another of his books.... Appointment on Lake Michigan

            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              Yes, Denissimo is being most generous, but then that's Denissimo!

            • Zishelix
              Zishelix commented
              Editing a comment
              Very kind and generous, indeed. Thanks Mr Kenyon!

          • For further details visit the GazMart


            • From Dennis Kenyon

              Greetings to all Aviafora members for a warm and Happy Christmas and best wishes for the coming year.

              I would like to offer a little Christmas gift to those Avia members and readers who may be interested in reading an aviation novel.

              If you email me your name and address I will send you a free copy of my last novel 'Dangerous Appointment'.

              I actually bought it, it’s a very entertaining book.

              Happy Christmas Den!

              From Steve and Pauline

              Oh, and my annual Snow Gazelle contribution, Gazelles at Crab Tree Farm


              • To everyone celebrating Christmas today, I send wishes for health and joy.

                Merry Christmas!


                • Zishelix
                  Zishelix commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Airfilips, welcome aboard!

              • Originally posted by airfilips View Post
                To everyone celebrating Christmas today, I send wishes for health and joy.

                Merry Christmas!
                Airfilips Thank you for your greeting. We wish you and your family a Happy Christmas and a Blessèd New Year! Welcome to Aviafora!

                Serbian Snow Gazelle

                Snow Viviane in France

                SA341B G-HSDL (WA1227) as seen over the Leeds Liverpool Canal near Chorley on 22nd December 2019

                Christmas flying over Belgrade, December 2019


                • Dear Aviaforans,

                  I wish you all, and your beloved ones, a Merry Xmas and a prosperous New Year 2020.

                  Many happy landings.


                  • Savoia
                    Savoia commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Grazie Jos!

                    Thank you for your contributions to the site and also for your own website which is such a great resource for many in the industry.

                    Christmas blessings to you and your family.

                • Perhaps the first ever Snow Gazelle, SA341 F-ZWRK (004) in the French Alps in late 60's or early 70's

                  Perhaps the second Snow Gazelle, F-WTNV (cn.1006) in the French Alps in the 1970's

                  Heli Cap SA341G F-BVUI (cn,1122) as seen in the French Alps in 1978 (Photo by Frédéric Rolland)


                • Air Zermatt's SA324J HB-XMU (cn.1470) as seen in Switzerland c.1986 (Photo by Anton Heumann)

                  SA341D G-ONNE (WA1089) as seen at Sywell on 4th December 2019 (Photo by R. Buttery)

                  Egyptian Air Force Gazelle, December 2019


                  • Zishelix
                    Zishelix commented
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                    This last one is very interesting, pity the tail section isn't visible to see her c/n.

                  • Savoia
                    Savoia commented
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                    You would think they would be more considerate when taking photos and get the whole aircraft in .. instead focusing on people!

                    I will keep a look out Zis in case another angle crops us.

                • F-GKRF probably at Issy-Les-Moulineaux Airport.

                  Last edited by xbdt; 4th January 2020, 09:35.


                  • Savoia
                    Savoia commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Bravo XB, a lovely contribution, grazie!!AFAIK this is the first showing of this craft on the forum wearing this registration, great stuff!

                    Zis, if you're still around, then as Elipix mentioned, there has been quite a lot going on while you were away including .. a South African Gaz in the form of ZU-RNB recently painted-up in your favourite classic Aérospatiale scheme, see here:

                  • Zishelix
                    Zishelix commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Noticed, glad to know at least some of present owners appreciate classic Gazelle color schemes!

                  • Helipixman
                    Helipixman commented
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                    The photo above is at Issy, the heliport for Paris. Went there only once, huge field, helicopters and hangars everywhere.

                • N901B seen im August 13th, 2006 (Photo: Harold McDaniel)

                  Lately repainted


                  • SA342J F-GFDG (cn.1204) as seen at Courchevel on 13th January 1989 (Photo via Zishelix)

                    HA-LFA in Hungary, January 2011

                    SA341H YU-HCS (cn.066) in Serbia, December 2019 (Photo by Milan)

                    Unidentified Gazelle at Barnsdale Lodge, Rutland in the East Midlands

                    Elipix wrote: The photo above is at Issy, the heliport for Paris.
                    Oui, c'est Issy Elipix.

                    Elipix, if you're there, do you happen to know whether this outfit it associated with Witham?


                    • Helipixman
                      Helipixman commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Not absolutely sure if they are connected they are about 2-3km apart. They have different directors Witham - Paul Southerington and G.I Joes is a John Rhodes. Interesting to note in the photos they look like thay are all missing their fenestron ? At £3,000 a piece I suspect they will be snapped up quickly.

                    • Savoia
                      Savoia commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Okay grazie, hopefully we'll discover where they end up.

                  • HA-LFH

                    I have often wondered if the owner has ever asked for or tried to get the registration HA-ELO for his Gazelle. Knowing most of the registrations are either HA-L** or HA-P** maybe they just will not allow it or it is already in use ?


                    • Savoia
                      Savoia commented
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                      Already suggested a while back to Avia member Adriano! Stefano may know if it is possible to order personalised Hungarian registrations, but I am guessing yes, based on HA-PJB.

                  • Originally posted by Helipixman View Post

                    I have often wondered if the owner has ever asked for or tried to get the registration HA-ELO for his Gazelle. Knowing most of the registrations are either HA-L** or HA-P** maybe they just will not allow it or it is already in use ?

                    At the time we enquired about this the Hungarian authorities didn’t want to release the HA-ELO registration.

                    Since then they have started another registration sequence HA-H.. as with my 342M1 (sn.3615) which as you know is HA-HSG.


                    • SA342L1 E7-ABI (cn.139) as seen refuelling in Sokolac, Bosnia in 2012

                      SA342J YU-HES (1057) as seen at Duxford on 23rd December 2019 (Photo by Fred Taylor)


                      • SA342L E7-ABI (cn.139) as seen in Sokolac (70 kms east of Sarajevo) Bosnia in 2012

                        E7-SHA with E7-AAB in Sokolac, Bosnia in 2012

                        Heli Cap SA341G F-BVUI (cn.1122) as seen at Tignes glacier in Rhône-Alpes in 1978 (Photo by Frédéric Rolland)

                        S5-HCR as seen in Ukraine in December 2019


                        • A Sharks ballet in the sky at Helitech '95. Redhill, September 1995 (Photo: Miłosz Rusiecky)

                          Sorry Sav, couldn't find any snow Gaz


                          • Savoia
                            Savoia commented
                            Editing a comment
                            Ha ha, no problem Zis, always nice to see the Sharks!