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Shrieking Gazelles

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  • Coconut I-LDAV (Photo: Enrico Niccolini)

    One more photo of the same machine here


    • Savoia
      Savoia commented
      Editing a comment
      Now flying in Rossiya as RA-2184G.

  • Snow Gazelles 2.0

    Montenegrin Air Force Gazelle in snow

    SA341B '5D' BATUS Gazelle in Canada, February 2018

    Please like and follow our FB page:

    Shrieking Gazelles is sponsored by:


    • SA341C RA-05708 (WA1045) as seen in Abkhazia in February 2018


      • SA342J(S) F-HGUN (cn.1058) as seen at Courchevel. Now flying as N342ET


        • Zishelix
          Zishelix commented
          Editing a comment
          Bravo! This is an excellent addition to our Gazelle Snow Collection

      • NEWS

        2nd March 2018

        We've been busy!

        We've finished our mandatory ground training for 2018 and are now starting to turn our attention towards adding to our list of display qualified pilots and improving our display routine with an added emphasis on pleasing the photographers amongst you.

        We've currently got 3 aircraft fully serviceable with the prospect of a 4th on the horizon. Bourne Park is a cold place at the best of times, however the recent extreme conditions has tested even the hardiest of souls and we applaud loudly the endeavours of our fantastic engineers.

        This month will see the Easter Bunny delivering eggs (and a cheque) to Naomi House and we move up a gear in our pilot training with a full day of intensive flying activities planned for the end of the month. At the same time the diary is getting added to as the Air show organisers confirm their requirements for 2018.

        We're working on supporting an event for Julia's House towards the end of the month and are providing BLESMA, the limbless veterans charity with an air experience day on 31st March. In addition to these we've also been asked to deliver a presentation in the coming months on the Squadron's activities to support the Museum of Army Flying.

        After that, it will be downhill into the air display season.


        • Heli Cap SA341G F-BVUI (cn 1122) as seen on the Tignes glacier in the Rhône-Alpes in 1978 (Photo: Frédéric Rolland)


          • HA-LFE

            Has anyone heard anything of this SA341G (1527) one time owned by the late Mark Weir. It is rumoured to have gone to Spain ?



            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              Hopefully Stefano will be able to assist.

          • SA341G HB-ZEU (cn.1111) as seen at Kassel airport in Germany on 18th December 2007 (Photo: Jan Pluemer)

            Elipix, another bird which is MIA is this one. If you find out what happened to her this would be useful for our Gaz tracking records.


            • md600driver
              md600driver commented
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              Hi spoke to the owner of 1111 earlier today at the moment she is not airworthy

              Will be seeing him in April when the weather gets better
              Last edited by md600driver; 5th March 2018, 15:14.

            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
              Editing a comment
              Lol .. great stuff Stefano. You can't get news any fresher than that!

              Keeping my fingers crossed that she will pass through the Crabtree stable in times ahead.

            • Zishelix
              Zishelix commented
              Editing a comment
              Thanks Steve, fresh info indeed!

          • Unidentified Gazelle in the Falklands in 1982

            I have this shot labelled as being taken in the Falklands in 1982 and can pick out ZA77 .. but I am unsure of the final digit. Elipix, perhaps if you have a list of military codes you may be able to isolate this bird, which as we can see, carries an 'H' on her tail.

            It also appears as if the Royal Marines lettering (I think) has been painted over on her boom?

            ps: Does anyone know which type of armament this craft was fitted with? We can see some sort of rocket pod mounted on her starboard pylon. Does anyone know the make/calibre?


            • N48284
              N48284 commented
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              ZA776 was coded (C)H whilst on the Falklands with 3CBAS.

            • Jed A1
              Jed A1 commented
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          • It's 68mm SNEB rocket pods (SNEB: Societe Nouvelle des Etablissements Edgar Brandt) see more here

            The specific machine should be RM’s ZA776/H WA.1818

            By the way, does anyone know which exactly UK mil Gazelles were engaged in the Falklands Conflict?


            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              Grazie millie Zis, much appreciated.

              I am hoping Elipix may have such a list!

              Interesting to see in your photo the use of full-length skis. Presumably also helpful for landing in soggy areas.

            • Helipixman
              Helipixman commented
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              Will check my records and see what I have ?

            • Zishelix
              Zishelix commented
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              'Grazie mille' in advance

          • Here is another shot of the mystery Gazelle. The site I saw this on states that it is on Ascension Island and probably an 3CBAS machine. There is a beach called Long Beach near Georgetown.

            Last edited by Helipixman; 6th March 2018, 17:18.


            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              Yes, bravo Elipix, that sounds familiar from when I saw these shots some years back.

            • Helipixman
              Helipixman commented
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              Checking the Gazelles in the Falklands has revealed 9 x CBAS Gazelles went there and the one with code W was XZ326 so that is the mystery Gazelle. It went on RFA Sir Geraint from Devonport on 5.4.82

              I have a full list of the nine Gazelles but further research is needed for the 656 Squadron machines. Will put up a full list when done.


            • Zishelix
              Zishelix commented
              Editing a comment
              Ah so, it was XZ326. Thanks Helipix!

              Probably wasn't seriously damaged since no accident report for her.

          • In virtual world only


            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
              Editing a comment
              Yes, there are a growing number of fictitious virtual Gazelles out there, including Army Air Corps Vivianes!

          • Originally posted by Zishelix View Post
            It's 68mm SNEB rocket pods (SNEB: Societe Nouvelle des Etablissements Edgar Brandt) see more here
            The feedback I received from those who flew in the Falklands was that the original armament was the SS11/12 taken from the Scout. This is because the Gazelle didn’t have the rockets at that time and most of the Scouts were at the bottom of the sea!

            The Marines apparently jerry-rigged a system to aim and fire the rockets as the stock of rockets/armaments were on another ship, one that was still afloat.

            This maybe a war tale, but the guys telling me were there and I am inclined to believe them, especially as the Gazelles featured here don’t have the large upper window for the laser aiming guide that would be required.

            Later in the conflict the Gazelle used the 68 mm SNEB rocket pods (see photo below).

            Last edited by md600driver; 6th March 2018, 19:02.


            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              Great stuff Stefano, I am sure you are right.

              It would be nice to find a photo of the Gaz fitted with SS11's in case anyone comes across one.

              I wonder if there was room for the floats to inflate with the rocket pod fitted?

              The Gaz seems to have pulled her weight (so to speak) while in the Falklands, across a variety of roles from reconnaissance to ground attack and Medevac.

              As mentioned, many seemed to have been fitted with snow skis and which most likely heped when landing on soggy grassland.

          • Originally posted by Savoia View Post

            Request to Gaz Owners

            Seeing as much of Europe is being blessed with snow, this request goes out to those who are able to wheel-out their Gaz and capture a shot of their craft amidst the snow, for we are keen to top up our much-treasured 'Snow Gazelles' collection. Any contributions will be greatly appreciated.

            SA341G RA-05706 (WA1802) near St. Petersburg in March 2018

            = A happy Sav, for this is exactly the kind of photo I was hoping for!

            And below a snippet of '706' in flight:


            • Zishelix
              Zishelix commented
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              Lovely Jubbly!

            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              Ha ha, that is an English expression, made popular by the character 'Del Boy', but seeing as David Jason flies blitterblats, it is fitting! I wonder if David has ever had a go in a Gaz?

            • Zishelix
              Zishelix commented
              Editing a comment
              I know, that's why I quoted Del Boy

              By the way, 'Only Fools and Horses' is an ultimate comedy show with iconic characters! Very popular in my country... probably because many similarities we see with our real life

              I'll be flattered to know Mr. Jason visiting Aviafora!

          • More Rus Gaz ..

            RA-1739G as seen at Moscow's Zhukovsky Airport in July 2017

            The last time we saw this bird was during the Christmas of 2016, when (still seated on her trailer) she had been parked (somewhat unceremoniously) outside an apartment block in Moscow, see here.

            Btw, it seems as if '39G' has suffered a dent on her port passenger door. Looks like a job for La Ventosa, except I don't think they have any branches in Russia!


            • Zishelix
              Zishelix commented
              Editing a comment
              Ah, no big deal, probably just a small souvenir from Moscow traffic on this trailer

          • G-HSDL

            I managed to record a couple of minutes from the series 'Scrap Kings' which was shown yesterday on Discovery.

            It is taken from series one, episode two, and shows Howard Stott's G-HSDL:

            Last edited by xbdt; 8th March 2018, 09:25.


            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              Bravo XB, much appreciated!

          • Falkland Gazelles with 3CBAS

            Nine Gazelles from 3CBAS went to the Falklands on three different ships.....

            Embarked on RFA Sir Percivale at Marchwood 5.4.82

            XX376(K) returned to UK and eventually suffered an accident at Hagen, 29.9.83
            XX380(M) returned to UK and went to AAC Wttisham for gate duties
            XX413(CZ returned to UK and believed broken up at Fleetlands 4.97 with cab going to Rob Lamplough

            Embarked on RFA Sir Galahad at Devonport 5.4.82

            XX402(G) Crashed into a hill a Clam Creek 21.5.82 (2K) during investigation sortie for XX411
            XX411(CX) Hit by small arms fire off Port San Carlos and ditched in harbour 21.5.82... returned to UK and last known at Aeroventure, Doncaster
            XX412(Y) returned to UK and last known with DSAE, Cosford

            Embarked on RFA Sir Geraint at Devonport 5.4.82

            XZ326(W) Incident on Long Beach, Ascension Island, returend to UK and Current with AAC 667 Squadron, Middle Wallop
            ZA730(F) returned to UK and currently stored with Falcon Aviation Ltd as G-FUKM
            ZA776(H) returned to UK and sold in DSA tender sales 15.1.10 at Shawbury going to Witham Specialist Vehicles. Possibly stored at Stapleford Tawney

            A further six Gazelles went to the Falklands with AAC 656 Squadron. So far have tracked down three XX377, XZ321 and ZA728. Help needed with the other three would be appreciated



            • Savoia
              Savoia commented
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              Elipix wrote: 'Just wonder did 3 CBAS and 656 Squadron share use of machines ?'

              Ciao Elipix!

              3CBAS and 656 Sqn most certainly worked together, initially with the Scout (with 3CBAS and 656 each bringing six birds (Scouts) to the fight), and later with the Gazelle.

              At various times 656 staff were attached to 3CBAS, including two 656 drivers seconded to 'B' Flight during the Battle of Mount Longdon on 11-12th June. Also, 656 were the only AAC squadron to be involved as part of 5 Infantry Brigade.

              656's fleet strength was increased by two aircraft per flight so that they ended-up with eight Scouts and eight Gazelles. They also had a Bell UH-1H Huey which they captured from the Argentines and immediately put to use.

              656's six initial Gazelles were shipped to the Falklands aboard the Nordic Ferry which departed Southampton on 9th May 1982, arriving off San Carlos the following month on 3rd June.

            • N48284
              N48284 commented
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              656Sqn Gazelles: XX377, XZ290, XZ321, XX409, XZ314 and ZA728 all flown from Netheravon to Southampton on 8 May 82 for loading onboard Baltic Ferry and Nordic Ferry.

              The original plan was for 3CBAS to depart with 12 cabs but due to the time constraints of loading the cabs in 30mins on each ship there was insufficient room for the others which should have been XX392, XZ338 and ZA728.

              XW893 and XX444 both arrived in Port William aboard Contender Bezant on 23 June 82 for 3CBAS but were handed over to 656Sqn as 3CBAS were pulling out imminently.

              17 Gazelle AH.1s were deployed in total for the war.
              Last edited by N48284; 13th March 2018, 22:21.

            • Jed A1
              Jed A1 commented
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              XX377 shot down by a sea dart from HMS Cardiff.

          • Sav wrote: Also ZB672, which I have in a pending folder waiting to be posted, she was also there with 656. Will post the photo anon.

            SA341B ZB672 (WA1959) as seen at Murray Heights in the Falklands on 12th April 1984


          • SA341H HA-LFX (cn 090) start and depart from Budaörs Airfield in Hungary


            • Originally posted by Savoia View Post
              SA341H HA-LFX (cn 090) start and depart from Budaörs Airfield in Hungary
              I completed my LPC in LFX last week .. in the snow!


              • Savoia
                Savoia commented
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                Fantastico Stefano — I am sure you passed with flying colours!

                Flying over snow-covered terrain can be lovely, especially if the weather clears and there is pleasant scenery.

                Btw, on the previous page Elipix was making enquiry about HA-LFE which used to fly in Hungary but which he thinks may now have gone to Spain, do you happen to know anything about this craft?

            • Vector Aerospace Awarded UK Gaz Support Contract

              Vector Aerospace has received a maintenance support contract from the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (MoD) for the British Army Gazelle AH1 helicopter fleet.

              The firm will provide maintenance for the Army Air Corps (AAC) Gazelles at its Fleetlands facility in Gosport, Hampshire. Work under the contract is expected to commence in April and – with contract extension options – will continue until June 2022.

              Simon Jones, Managing Director for Vector Aerospace UK, said: “Vector has a long history of supporting the UK MoD’s helicopter fleet, and we are delighted to secure this significant programme. We are very proud of the service provided by our skilled associates here at Fleetlands. This Gazelle maintenance support award compliments our current support to the Chinook Through Life Customer Support (TLCS) programme led by Boeing Defence UK, and we look forward to the new opportunities this contract presents for our workforce.”


              • Did Someone Mention Snow?

                SA341G RA-05706 take off near St. Petersburg in March 2018

                706 flying over the Fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul


                • Originally posted by Savoia View Post
                  Fantastico Stefano — I am sure you passed with flying colours!

                  Flying over snow-covered terrain can be lovely, especially if the weather clears and there is pleasant scenery.

                  Btw, on the previous page Elipix was making enquiry about HA-LFE which used to fly in Hungary but which he thinks may now have gone to Spain, do you happen to know anything about this craft?
                  Unfortunately I didn’t get much chance to look at the scenery as I was flying to the numbers. The ATO was also having an authority audit at the same time.

                  Re: LFE, I was led to believe that she went to Spanish purchasers.


                  • Savoia
                    Savoia commented
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                    Grazie Stefano!

                    Elipix, it seems your info is correct. We shall look out for some images from Spain of this bird.

                  • Helipixman
                    Helipixman commented
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                    Great to hear confirmation from md600driver about HA-LFE going to Spain. Hope to see some photos soon !

                • SA341B XZ340 (cn WA1691) BATUS Gazelle

                  We are looking forward to seeing a BATUS Gaz gracing the skies of the UK in the not-too-distant future, courtesy of an Avia member!

                  Montenegrin Air Force SA342L1 12943 (cn.163)

                  SA341G(S) G-CDJT (cn. 1509) as seen at Southend Airport on 26th May 2007 (Photo: John Coleman)


                  • ZU-RED c/n 1285

                    First shot I have seen of this side on... found on owner Glen Mukheibir 's facebook site


                  • Andy wrote:

                    656Sqn Gazelles: XX377, XZ290, XZ321, XX409, XZ314 and ZA728 all flown from Netheravon to Southampton on 8 May 82 for loading onboard Baltic Ferry and Nordic Ferry.

                    The original plan was for 3CBAS to depart with 12 cabs but due to the time constraints of loading the cabs in 30mins on each ship there was insufficient room for the others which should have been XX392, XZ338 and ZA728.

                    XW893 and XX444 both arrived in Port William aboard Contender Bezant on 23 June 82 for 3CBAS but were handed over to 656Sqn as 3CBAS were pulling out imminently.

                    17 Gazelle AH.1s were deployed in total.
                    Grazie Andy!


                    • France Pledges Anti-Tank Missiles for Lebanon's Gazelle Fleet

                      The French government has pledged 'military aid' to the tune of €14m for Lebanon. The aid is to include long-awaited anti-tank missiles for Lebanon's Gazelle helicopters.

                      The announcement was made by Lebanese Defense Minister Yaacoub Sarraf following a meeting with his counterpart Florence Parly as part of the preparatory meetings for the ROME II conference being held next week in Italy.

                      Lebanon's Gazelle fleet have been awaiting a supply of anti-tank missiles for several years

                      SA34X Offers Gazelle Air Conditioning System

                      South Africa's SA34X has developed an air conditioning system for the Gazelle. The electrically operated system draws just 51 amperes and weighs a total of 26kgs.


                    • More Falklands Gaz ..

                      A Marines (?) Gazelle over Port Pleasant in the Falkland Islands on 8th June 1982 following a strike by three Argentinian A4 Skyhawks on the RFA Sir Galahad


                      • SA341G ZU-RLU (cn.1097) as seen at Simola Country Club, Knysna, South Africa in March 2018

                        ZU-RLU in flight March 2018

                        SA341B XZ348 (WA1719) at RNAS Culdrose (date unknown) Whirlwind HAR10 XP403 behind


                        • Fene Strong
                          Fene Strong commented
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                          Is that Ed Sheeran in the Gazelle?

                        • Savoia
                          Savoia commented
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                          His younger brother!

                          Btw, do you like the engine cowlings on RLU?

                          Also, did the AAC ever fly their Gazelles with these removed, as I've seen this on several ALAT birds but can't remember seeing the same on any of the UK mil cabs?

                        • Fene Strong
                          Fene Strong commented
                          Editing a comment
                          UK Mil cabs didn't fly with cowlings off as a rule, the odd one flight only back to base if needed due to broken pins etc.

                      • 'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight!

                        At F-GESG Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in December 1988


                        • Savoia
                          Savoia commented
                          Editing a comment
                          'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight!' — Hmm, I think you may be a little late, or very early!

                          Btw, are you able to identify the lettering on transmission cowling? It looks like 'Turbo' something, but I don't think it is Turbomeca.

                        • Zishelix
                          Zishelix commented
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                          Ah, don't be so petty Sav, it's never too early or late to post an interesting Gazelle image

                          Sorry, no clue what the lettering means. I'd say 'Turbo Cub' but makes no sense.